Mint 13
Henri Honda k6don-OVUseyiFyoeTnpBtbRfDVg@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-12 04:29:37 UTC
Hi guys!

Been reading that there are hams out there that are encountering problems
installing some ham software and wine in the new Mint OS's.

I've come across problems in getting some software operational, including
wine not installing correctly, in Mint 15,16 and also Mint 17 not
The folks at Mint have updated and reworked Mint 13 (supported until 2017)
so it's not much different than the newer Mint OS's.

One of the problems I incurred was that MMSSTV would not work since a
sound card could not be opened in MMSSTV. Downloading the new version
of MInt 13, I found many new items in Mint 13 that were not in the original
version. By using the software manager in Mint 13, I was able to have it
install a later version of wine. Going into wine configuration, I was
able to
load sound cards into wine which I could not do before on different Mint
Now, MMSSTV works flawlessly and so does Fldigi . WSJTX, and other hamware
for Linux.

Just thought y'all might be interested in DLing the newer version of
Mint 13 and
give it try instead of going on to the newer versions. BTW, if you do
try it, don't
use synaptic to install any software unless you have to. The software
does a better job of installing software such as wine.

Cheers and have fun!


Hank 7J9AAD

Posted by: Henri Honda <k6don-***@public.gmane.org>
'D.J.J. Ring, Jr.' n1ea-WYrOkVUspZo@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-12 04:36:04 UTC

Also consider Mint Debian which is a rolling release, no more

David N1EA
Post by Henri Honda k6don-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
Hi guys!
Been reading that there are hams out there that are encountering problems
installing some ham software and wine in the new Mint OS's.
I've come across problems in getting some software operational, including
wine not installing correctly, in Mint 15,16 and also Mint 17 not
The folks at Mint have updated and reworked Mint 13 (supported until 2017)
so it's not much different than the newer Mint OS's.
One of the problems I incurred was that MMSSTV would not work since a
sound card could not be opened in MMSSTV. Downloading the new version
of MInt 13, I found many new items in Mint 13 that were not in the original
version. By using the software manager in Mint 13, I was able to have it
install a later version of wine. Going into wine configuration, I was
able to
load sound cards into wine which I could not do before on different Mint
Now, MMSSTV works flawlessly and so does Fldigi . WSJTX, and other hamware
for Linux.
Just thought y'all might be interested in DLing the newer version of
Mint 13 and
give it try instead of going on to the newer versions. BTW, if you do
try it, don't
use synaptic to install any software unless you have to. The software
does a better job of installing software such as wine.
Cheers and have fun!
Hank 7J9AAD
Yahoo Groups Links
Henri Honda k6don-OVUseyiFyoeTnpBtbRfDVg@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-12 07:19:22 UTC
On 10/12/2014 01:36 PM, 'D.J.J. Ring, Jr.' n1ea-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham] wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion, David.

Hank 7J9AAD
Post by 'D.J.J. Ring, Jr.' n1ea-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
Also consider Mint Debian which is a rolling release, no more
David N1EA
Richard Shaw hobbes1069-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-12 14:43:11 UTC
Post by Henri Honda k6don-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
One of the problems I incurred was that MMSSTV would not work since a
sound card could not be opened in MMSSTV. Downloading the new version
of MInt 13, I found many new items in Mint 13 that were not in the original
version. By using the software manager in Mint 13, I was able to have it
install a later version of wine. Going into wine configuration, I was
able to
load sound cards into wine which I could not do before on different Mint
Now, MMSSTV works flawlessly and so does Fldigi . WSJTX, and other hamware
for Linux.
Have you tried QSSTV? Not only is it open source (no wine required) but it
also support DRM, i.e. Digital SSTV.

Henri Honda k6don-OVUseyiFyoeTnpBtbRfDVg@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-14 03:33:56 UTC
On 10/12/2014 11:43 PM, Richard Shaw hobbes1069-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham] wrote:

Thanks, Richard!

This OOM (93) will give it try and see if I can get it up and running!

Hank, 7J9AAD
Post by Richard Shaw hobbes1069-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
Have you tried QSSTV? Not only is it open source (no wine required)
but it also support DRM, i.e. Digital SSTV.
David Ranch linuxham-fld-U76wwbNhhF3R7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-15 00:54:40 UTC
Hey Henry,

Instead of using MMSSTV under Wine, why not give the native Linux QSSTV
or TRXAMADRM applications a try? Both natively support HamDRM-based
digital SSTV, rig control, etc. Qsstv also supports Analog SSTV.

Qsstv - http://users.telenet.be/on4qz/


Posted by: David Ranch <linuxham-fld-***@public.gmane.org>
'Michael A. Thissell' w7xw-/E1597aS9LQAvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-15 03:24:24 UTC
David -

Thanks for pointing me towards QSSTV. The install instructions worked
the first time...only took about 15 minutes. I'd used an older version
of Qsstv, but this looks nice and appears to run smoothly under Mint 17
with Pulseaudio.


mike w7xw

On Tue, 14 Oct 2014 17:54:40 -0700
Post by David Ranch linuxham-fld-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
Hey Henry,
Instead of using MMSSTV under Wine, why not give the native Linux
QSSTV or TRXAMADRM applications a try? Both natively support
HamDRM-based digital SSTV, rig control, etc. Qsstv also supports
Analog SSTV.
Qsstv - http://users.telenet.be/on4qz/
Posted by: "Michael A. Thissell" <w7xw-/***@public.gmane.org>
Henri Honda k6don-OVUseyiFyoeTnpBtbRfDVg@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-15 05:53:59 UTC
On 10/15/2014 09:54 AM, David Ranch linuxham-fld-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]

Hi David:

Yep, although I've been a long time MMSSTV user, (off and on), I'll give
it a try!
Since you mention it supports digital SSTV, may have been pictures.

Thanks, David.

Hank 7J9AAD
Post by David Ranch linuxham-fld-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
Hey Henry,
Instead of using MMSSTV under Wine, why not give the native Linux QSSTV
or TRXAMADRM applications a try? Both natively support HamDRM-based
digital SSTV, rig control, etc. Qsstv also supports Analog SSTV.
Qsstv - http://users.telenet.be/on4qz/
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