fldigi 3.22.00 Linux issues --Debian Wheezy compile
Paul Bramscher pfbram-Wuw85uim5zDR7s880joybQ@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-20 02:38:45 UTC
I see a similar/identical problem has been posted for the Mac version,
but for the sake of completeness here's what I found over the weekend
with a compile of 3.22.00 on Debian Wheezy.

I ordinarily run fldigi with an undocked panel for the Signal Browser.
After the yellow/RX text panel gets populated with a few rows in the
main window, a ghostly vertical scrollbar on the left side of that panel
appears. Upon further exploration, it was a docked Signal Browser. I
pulled the panel open wider, and found it's a smaller repeat of the
undocked window I'm ordinarily used to.

When I closed fldigi, and later re-opened it, that docked Signal Browser
panel shrunk back again to minimum size and the ghostly vertical
scrollbar reappears, unless you enlarge that panel again. If you don't,
the vertical scroll bar tends to obscure the first 1-2 character of all
text in the yellow RX panel, an irritating situation each time you
restart fldigi.

Perhaps the fix involves the following:

1. Is there a way to undock the Signal Browser altogether? I see that
you can change the level of controls, but not the Signal Browser
2. Ensure that the settings for undocking, or at least the size of that
docked panel, are saved when the user quits the application.

73 / KD0KZE
Paul Bramscher

Posted by: Paul Bramscher <pfbram-***@public.gmane.org>
David Jolley k7dv.dave-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
2014-10-20 04:25:19 UTC
Anyone have issues with getting Flmsg to come up after receiving a Nbems
message? The software is supposed to bring up flmsg after the message has
been recieved. I have gone thru and checked everything specified on the
help page on messaging using flamp and flmsg. I dont have flmsg running at
all as it is supposed to bring it up when the correct type message is
recieved. any takers on this one.?
Post by Paul Bramscher pfbram-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham]
I see a similar/identical problem has been posted for the Mac version,
but for the sake of completeness here's what I found over the weekend
with a compile of 3.22.00 on Debian Wheezy.
I ordinarily run fldigi with an undocked panel for the Signal Browser.
After the yellow/RX text panel gets populated with a few rows in the
main window, a ghostly vertical scrollbar on the left side of that panel
appears. Upon further exploration, it was a docked Signal Browser. I
pulled the panel open wider, and found it's a smaller repeat of the
undocked window I'm ordinarily used to.
When I closed fldigi, and later re-opened it, that docked Signal Browser
panel shrunk back again to minimum size and the ghostly vertical
scrollbar reappears, unless you enlarge that panel again. If you don't,
the vertical scroll bar tends to obscure the first 1-2 character of all
text in the yellow RX panel, an irritating situation each time you
restart fldigi.
1. Is there a way to undock the Signal Browser altogether? I see that
you can change the level of controls, but not the Signal Browser
2. Ensure that the settings for undocking, or at least the size of that
docked panel, are saved when the user quits the application.
73 / KD0KZE
Paul Bramscher