On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 08:27:46AM +0100, BT Yahoo!©2013 robert.farey-***@public.gmane.org [linuxham] wrote:
> HI guys
> lets have some peace please, i have watched all your comments with some interest in the matter. we have these cheap little radios they are a marvel to behold. however how some expect to get the same quality out of something so cheap does make me wonder how you expect that, when we also have more expensive Amateur radios which themselves are never that good.
> some seem to forget you only get what you pay for in this life.
> so expecting a cheap radio to perform even as good as an Amateur radio is expecting an awful lot.
> best regards Robert G6LLP
How about I just give up again? Then we could have that fabled "Pax
Hamana", in which consensus is obtained at the price of truth.
OK, I yield. I only have a 2x2 call sign, and that's not good enough
to prevail in a Ham Fight. US 1x3 or even the lofty and expensive 1x2
will best me. W8DU is a 1x2, so he is right and I am wrong, since I am
but AB3NR. W8DU also has more expensive radios than I do, making me
doubly wrong.
So. I confess my error. I know (and have known all along) and now admit
that FM radios produce wonderful CW signals if fed "pure sine waves"
from a PeeCee or other high fidelity speaker. I admit further that
FM radios with 20KHz bandwidth, engineered for mode 20K0F3E (speech,
modulated frequency), can, will and do regularly produce emission type
A1A if (a) the radio is expensive enough and (b) is fed "pure sine
waves" from a peecee speaker under the control of certain softwares, by
a tuning fork, by a cleverly switched local oscillator, by whistling or
by playing a piccolo or pipe organ. This, I freely confess, "stands to
reason" and is "just plain common sense", "has been known for decades",
and is taught in all ARRL publications, which I have never read, or read
only to formulate divisive, trollish, impertinent arguments.
Moreover, I confess that I had advance knowledge that all this was true,
and from malice and the love of evil and discord maintained otherwise
just to pick a fight and cause trouble, and hoped to cause the ruin
of Amateur Radio, being the paid agent of both the WIFI and CB radio
cabals. I apologize for attempting to mislead, misinform and cause
harm to the helpful, friendly righteous hams, sowing discord among them,
by asking smart-assed questions and by other means, and I confess that
I have been the familiar consort of the Devil since 1956, who appears
to me in the form of a large black marmot with burning red, beady eyes.
So get on with the burning, it's dawn already. Smiley: :-)
Dave AB3NR
Eppur si muove.
Posted by: Original Woodchuck <marmota-2p+qKb8Fl0QN+***@public.gmane.org>